fredag 30 mars 2007

Zimbabwe Och Hotet Från Facken

Kritiken mot Mugabe uteblev står det i DN idag, med en lätt förvånad ton. Sydafrikas presidents yngre bror Moeletsi Mbeki är nog inte lika förvånad. Han menar att det ligger inte i länderna i södra afrikas intresse att Mugabe störtas. Han har en även annan förklaring till bristen på kritik än vad DN:s utsända journalist har. Han är dessutom hård i kritiken av sin bror.

Så här svarar han på en fråga från en journalist om hur situationen i Zimbabwe ska lösas och vems ansvar det är:
Southern Africa is the most industralised part of Africa and therefore it has a very huge labour force, working class labour force, wage earners. What is the new phenomenon we are seeing in southern Africa is that this labour force they are all joining trade unions, many of them are members of trade unions. Now these trade unions have become politically active and have started forming their own parties, so all the governments in southern Africa are faced with the threat to their power from the trade union movement. MDC, the Movement for Democratic Change, Morgan Tsvangirai, for example, was the leader of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions. In Zambia we saw a trade union setting up a political party which out voted the then President, Kaunda. So we are seeing in southern Africa the trade unions being the main opposition to the ruling parties and this is really the situation whereby all the countries have a vested interest, all the ruling parties in our region, have a vested interest in ensuring that the opposition does not win in Zimbabwe because they see this as a threat to themselves as well.

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