söndag 11 mars 2007

Say No More!

Om liberalerna kunde bli lite mer, ja, liberala så kunde jag ägna lite mer tid åt annat. Här nedan en bra artikel som säger det ack så uppenbara.

(Ibland frågar jag mig varför liberalerna upprepar det Israel säger som om de vore ett eko.)
'AS SOON AS certain topics are raised," George Orwell once wrote, "the concrete melts into the abstract and no one seems able to think of turns of speech that are not hackneyed: Prose consists less and less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning, and more and more of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated henhouse." Such a combination of vagueness and sheer incompetence in language, Orwell warned, leads to political conformity."

Och till saken: vad är det som är rimligt egentligen i att palestinierna ska erkänna Israels rätt att existera. Egentligen.

"Actually, it asks even more. Israel wants the Palestinians, half of whom were driven from their homeland so that a Jewish state could be created in 1948, to recognize not merely that it exists (which is undeniable) but that it is "right" that it exists — that it was right for them to have been dispossessed of their homes, their property and their livelihoods so that a Jewish state could be created on their land. The Palestinians are not the world's first dispossessed people, but they are the first to be asked to legitimize what happened to them."

Och jag måste fylla på med lite Ilan Pappe. I en artikel i Washington Post menar han att sionismen är det största hotet i mellanöstern. Han har dock tröttnat på bristen på moral och etik i dagens Israel och flyttar därifrån. "When I was struggling against public denial of what occurred in 1948, I was still hopeful," säger han och fortsätter: "But the fact that denial has disappeared is even more worrying. It means that my outlook and theirs is unbridgeable. This is a basic problem of morality and ethics now."

Och ett litet tillägg från en annan artikel i Washington Post som handlar om en annan av de nya historikerna nämligen Benny Morris: Benny Morris menar att Ben-Gurion borde varit än mer drastisk i den etniska rensningen (notera att han icke förnekar etnisk rensning.) "Among his more surprising contentions was that Ben-Gurion should have expelled more Palestinians during the 1948 war to leave a stronger Jewish majority between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.
"If the man was already driving out people, maybe he should have gone the whole hog," Morris says now. "Perhaps in the end population exchanges and transfers, although they may have caused great suffering at the time, may in the long run have been better for everyone concerned."

Ilan Pappe dyker upp här med:

"Pappe, a senior lecturer at the University of Haifa, shared countless lecture hall stages with Morris after their first books appeared, and the men became friends. Now they no longer speak, their relationship poisoned by a series of angry public exchanges rooted in their vastly different interpretations of Israel's history.
"Morris bothers me for what he represents, not as a person," Pappe says during a visit to his cluttered university office. "The extremes he is willing to go to justify Zionism and the prejudice he shows against the Palestinians is shared by so many Jews

Fotnot: Egentligen har jag idag bara suttit och läst Angry Arab. Och där stött på det ovanstående.

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