fredag 2 maj 2008

Ska Man Skratta Eller Gråta När Condi Rice "Medlar"?

Jag läste ett tal av Condi Rice som hon höll för ett par dagar sedan. Condi: Denna så kallade medlare i mellanöstern mellan Israel och Palestina. Läs detta lilla tal och begrunda hennes potential som medlare: (Om man nu anser att det finns två parter att ta lika mycket hänsyn till, det vill säga, och det är det inte alldeles säkert att man tycker.)

I still remember my first time visiting Israel: It felt like coming home to a place that I had never been. And every time I return, and as I look upon the land where Israelis have made the desert literally bloom, and as I drive past the aging hulks of Israeli tanks, which recall the dear cost that generations of Israeli patriots have paid for their nation’s survival, as I see all of these things, it is clear to me that a confident Israel can achieve things that many think impossible."
Hon, vän av fred, utrikesminister för USA och Israelvän –denna orwellska kombination: beskriver det israeliska folkets lidande:

Confidence defines Israel’s pioneer spirit, but I know how Israel’s confidence is tested day in and day out when it comes to issues of security. I remember all-too-well the awful days of 2001 and 2002, when Israelis feared that every bus ride, every night out, was another Passover massacre waiting to happen. And I know the heartbreak and the anger that all Israelis feel as they watch today the terror of rockets raining down on towns like Sderot and Ashkelon.

Hon fortsätter i samma stundtals anekdotiska stil.

Many times, as I fly into Israel, and it has been many times, I think of a story that President Bush tells. This was before he became president, and it was on a visit to Israel, and he was taken up in a helicopter to see the country from above. He talks about how he looked out on a people so resolute and yet a country so vulnerable and he decided then and there that America’s enduring commitment to Israel’s security would be absolutely unshakeable on his watch. And I think we have kept that promise.

Sen bär det iväg till London. Det är dags att medla mellan två parter. Den ena parten har hon beskrivit här ovan. Hur mycket hopp och tilltro kan palestinier ha till en sådan politisk ledare och medlare?

Per Ahlin på DN:s ledarsida skrev några, pliktskyldiga rader om mellanöstern häromdagen. Han förvånades över den optimism som George W. Bush hade angående fred mellan Israel och Palestina. Per Ahlin skrev inte så mycket mer. Men två saker. Finns det inte en ganska trolig möjlighet att denna optimism är ett spel för galleriet? Är det helt omöjligt för DN-liberaler att tro att presidenter i USA kan ljuga sig blå när det gäller utrikespolitik? En annan sak: vilka kan problemen vara? Där DN-liberaler vanligtvis brukar påpeka vikten av ett engagerat USA ifrågan blundar man från DN-liberalernas sida mer än gärna åt vilken sida som USA kraftigt, och allt annat än diskret, lutar åt.

Läs till exempel detta: Kongressen i USA förklarar sin kärlek till Israel.

That Congress--
(1) recognizes the historic significance of the 60th anniversary of the reestablishment of the sovereign and independent State of Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people;
(2) reaffirms its enduring support for Israel as Israel pursues peace with its neighbors;
(3) reaffirms its support for Israel's right to defend itself against threats to its security and existence;
(4) commends the people of Israel for their remarkable achievements in building a new state and a pluralistic, democratic society in the face of terrorism, as well as hostility, ostracism, and belligerence from many of their neighbors;
(5) reaffirms the bonds of friendship and cooperation which have existed between the United States and Israel for the past 60 years, and commits to strengthening those bonds; and
(6) extends the warmest congratulations and best wishes to the State of Israel and the Israeli people for a peaceful, prosperous, and successful future.

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